- Shiraz (n.)
- wine made in the district of Shiraz, city in Persia, 1630s. As the name for a red wine made from a type of grape grown in the Rhône valley of France, it is recorded from 1908, from French syrah, the name apparently altered in English on mistaken notion that the grape was brought to Europe from the Middle East by Crusaders. The place name is said to be from Elamite sher "good" + raz "grape."
- 1. Shiraz has stitched up major deals all over the world to boost sales.
- 希拉兹已经在全球促成了几笔大宗协议的签订,以此来提高销量。
- 2. The climate and soil is very suitable for the Shiraz.
- 气候与土壤特性最适合穗乐仙的生长.
- 3. Quality Shiraz grapes with natural dark red colour and rich fruit flavour, fresh and cool aftertaste.
- 优质的席拉思葡萄,天然的深红色泽,充满浓郁水果芳香, 入口后余味清新和凉爽.
- 4. Forward blackberry fruit of the Cabernet combines with the slightly smoky, spicy flavors of the Shiraz.
- 加本力特有的黑莓果香,与设拉子轻柔的烟熏, 香料口味交织融合,十分和谐.
- 5. Crimson red, intense berry Cabernet aromas with some prune and spicy Shiraz overtones.
- 酒液呈深红色, 带有浓郁典型的赤霞珠香气,并伴有西拉子的芬芳.